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Category Archives: Our Towns

Located just west of Salem, in the heart of Oregon’s wine-growing region, are the quaint communities of Monmouth and
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Amity, Oregon is situated in southern Yamhill County along Salt Creek near its confluence with Ash Swale and at the base of
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Yamhill, a small farming town located half way between Portland and the Oregon Coast. Set in the heart of the Willamette
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Carlton, Oregon manages to pack in more gastronomy, wineology and hospitality in its three short blocks than most cities ten
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Fossil, Oregon welcomes you to this recreational destination in the John Day River Territory. Named as a hotbed of
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Mount Hood – Parkdale, Oregon welcomes you to the northern flank of Mt. Hood in the Hood River Valley. We up here in
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With everything from colorful kite festivals to fresh catch feasts to hand-blown glass floats, Lincoln City is one place
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Oceanside, Oregon, is a cozy little hideaway located just off the Three Capes Scenic Route. Built upon a hillside
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Nestled in the heart of Oregon’s wine country, on native Kayaluya lands, is McMinnville, Oregon: a warm, inviting, and
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Call it the Clearing, Stumptown, City of Roses, P-Town, PDX, Ripcity, Bridgetown, or Little Beirut. Portland answers to them
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Nestled among orchards and hills on the Columbia River Gorge, Hood River is a small town on a big river and is the western
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Prospect, Oregon welcomes you to this Gateway to Crater Lake location. This inspected B&B provides elegant lodging
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